I bought the 600+ pieces (Sm-Key) of Blue and Yellow 40/8 from someone in IA, and posted the chip here for ID. Jim Noll was kind enough to tell us what the chip was and directed us to their website.
Along with the above mentioned inventory were 8-pieces on the LZYDIA mold (seen below) and 4-pieces of blue on DOTS mold. The Yellow chips are just as you see them below: full, deep H.S. of Black, and the Blue DOTS are also deep H.S.
I have three chips left on the LZYDIA mold @ $30.00 each, and two chips left on the DOTS mold @ $15.00 each.
The balance of the SM-KEY Yellow and Blue are available at $100 per box of $100. They are square-edged, and used with hot stamps worn. actual P&I is additional.