The bi-monthly session of the Atlantic City Chapter of the CC>CC was held
today at the Showboat Hotel-Casino. Location was changed to the Mississippi
Room, and everyone seemed to enjoy the change, as the room had excellent
lighting, good temperature control, and we had lots of table space for the
chippers to spread out their binders/displays of chips, etc.
An excellent turnout of approx. 120 people showed up, and chapter President
Dick Brach commented that "this looks just like a mini chip convention."
After nearly 3 hours of chipping among the group, guest speaker Neal Silverman gave an impressive talk about cyber-chipping on the Internet. Neal explained
how computer chipping started with Prodigy and Compuserve, and how it has evolved into the Chequers and Greg's board that we have today. Neal spoke of the new CC>CC web site, with comments that the club site will eventually
have its own message board.
Following the 50/50 drawing, auctioneer Bruce Landau presided over the auction of some 31 lots. A few of the auction results were: Playboy $2.50 ($80.);
Circus Circus 30th anniv.set ($42.); Foxwoods Sinatra chip ($32.);
Resorts first issue $1.00 chip ($55.): and a pair of $5. older chips, the
Debbie Reynolds $5. and George Burns Caesars $5. from Las Vegas.($50. pair.)
After the auction, people were welcomed to remain and continue with more "chipping".
During the afternoon, a few people advised they had been to the AC Hilton to
pick up some of the $10. boxing chips. They found those chips picturing
Louis, LaMotta, and Patterson, but could not find any Jack Dempsey chips.
This opened speculation that perhaps the casino had pulled the Dempsey chips
due to the error in the date shown on the chip. Still no release of the
fifth boxing chip of that series.
Pres.Brach announced the tentative date of Sun.January 17 for the next meeting.