Regarding Roulette Harvesting, do these two provisions of the Club Code of Ethics apply?:
2. To conduct myself so as to bring no discredit to the Club or to impair the prestige of the Club or
its members.
12. To abide by all local, state and federal laws and to assist in the prosecution of those who may
violate such laws and regulations.
Is Roulette Harvesting stealing? Does stealing by the members and selling stolen goods in the club newsletter and in club auctions discredit the club and impair its prestige and violate local and state laws?
When you rent a room at a casino-hotel, they let you use their TV set. When you play roulette at a casino, they let you use their roulette chips. When you leave the casino, can you take the roulette chips and the TV with you as an historic souveneir? Just asking? <g>, whatever <g> means, really.