While you're holding classes for those of us who still consider ourselves to be largely "computer dummies", what's your opinion on deletion of all "temporary internet files"? I've read from time to time that (especially for people who may not have a newer, faster, computer with oodles of hard drive space, etc.) it is wise to regularly delete temporary internet files. The reasoning given was that doing so would make one's computer operate faster and more efficiently. Your opinion?
Hey, and here's another long-time question that I have heard pro and con about for many years. Is it better to shut down your computer during overnight, or other times when you don't expect to use it for a few hours, or better to leave it on at all times and only shut off the monitor when not in use?
The reasoning I often heard in favor of leaving the PC on was that the "cooling down" and then the "reheating" of computer parts (when you shut off the PC and turn it back on) would be more wear and tear on your computer's life. They would claim that any extra electricity costs from always leaving it on (except for the monitor) are very, very minimal costs in comparison.
Wondering what the thoughts of yourself and others might be?