Chuck ----- spent four months of my year-long Vietnam tour at COMSEVENTHFLT DET CHARLIE <g> in Saigon. Among other things, I was responsible for reviewing OpReps from all Navy units in country and translating into English for release to the Saigon Press Corps. This, of course, included reports by Coast Guard units participating in Market Time (one of the more dangerous on-going missions of the war).
Once I went out to the fleet, I was assigned to COMCRUDESGRU7THFLT. During this time, I continued to monitor operational reports from Navy and Coast Guard units and once received a set of underwater photos of a Coast Guard boat which was accidentally sunk by American aircraft. Not one of our prouder moments.
For sure, let's get together sometime (next year at the convention, if not sooner <g>). I'm sure we could trade some interesting stories (including that one about how I ended up in the Navy!). ----- jim o\-S