Just for the heck of it, I just read the license agreement included with this software. It says the following:
"This software is protected by United State Copyright law and by international treaty provisions. You are authorized to make back-up copies to protect your investment from loss. You are not authorized to make copies for distribution to others. This User's Guide is also copywrited. It many not be reproduced by any means without prior written consent from Wilson Software."
The above agreement is written in total. Nothing left out or amended.
If you will notice, I am not making any copies or reproducing anything to distribute to others. I am loaning the original software to someone else.
I also looked up the statement issued by the forth edition (the last one I have) of the Chip Rack. It states the following:
All rights reserved. No part of this book, except for brief passages used in review and crediting all three authors, shall be reproduced or DISSEMINATED in any way. Permission is given to refer to the chip identification numbers herein, provided they are referred to as TCR# or KMW#.
Notice the word "Disseminate". Now I know what the word "is" is. This one particular word prohibits me from spreading the material to someone else.