Basic answer, along with all the other good answers. Once in awhile he gets some sucker who will pay the inflated price.
I tend to ignore these, in hopes that the sellor will get tired of paying 25 or 50 cents for nothing and figure out that they could move an item and stop losing money by the nibbles.
I don't writ, I don't complain, I just move on. Anyone who is paying these high prices, will soon get a chip guide and find out what they are really worth.
Funny thing I've been seeing at coin shows, and I like it. A few dealers with chips priced at 1.25 times face. First of all it makes life easy for them, no complicated pricing, and it makes me want to dig in and see if I can find some bargain. Problem is, I know that while I'm digging for the treasure, I'm bound to find a big stack of others that I take along as well.
You should see the stack of 50c chips I picked up for 62.5 each. Just drop in, because they are still sitting on my desk. <G>