PANGUINGUI.....PANGINI... OR Pan as it is commonly known is not a very popular game for most gaming venues since it takes eight decks without the eight, nines and tens.,....Drawing cards by 6 to 15 players with the goal of making melds like in canasta and betting was in the $2 and or $3 denom was popular when I played this last in Harolds Club, Reno in the early 60's. It is still played in a few Calif. Card rooms when you can find 5-10 oldsters and an dealer that is willing to work for very small tips and house "drop". If you would like the modern=, streamlined version, call the Winners Circle in Santa Rosa, Calif. where they deal this on Wed. and Sat ,mornings until or unless one of the players has to quit due to old age, stroke, or falls asleep. The Plaza will not have this for long since it makes the casino very little income. At the begining of each hand, players must declare eldest hands to play or retire and almost all players this age are retired.....kidding. Mel