You said: "Mr L.
I have it upon good authority that "YOU" paid someone to spike my beer and keep me from playing in the poker tournament. I find
this type of behaviour unacceptable. [NO, it's acceptable--at least to me--it's just probably not ethical--but are there ethics among pigeon hawks?]
"When you have to stoop to such tactics demonstrates to me and the rest of the world how desperate you are for recognition within the poker community. [The pensioners who play regularly at Harrahs, recognize me--they come from miles around as soon as the word gets out that Big Trav is in town for a game. I don't need no more recognition.]
Remember, a pigeion will eat its own droppings so I guess spiking
my drink would not be considered unfair. [This gross and vile comment deserves no response--but do watch your head the next time this pigeon is outside.]
Best. Trav.
[Genuinely sorry you were ill--you missed a fun game. Many of us had side bets as to who would go out first--you or Gene.]