The poker tournament to be conducted at the convention is an official club event. Therefore, as I see things, participants are bound by the club's Code of Ethics while playing in the tournament.
We have been asked by the Orleans not to take their tournament chips. We have been asked by the club organizers not to take the chips. I personally think the entry form for the tournament should contain an agreement not to take them and each participant should be required to sign the agreement. Nevertheless, I believe that each participant, by the mere act of signing up, impliedly agrees not to take the tournament chips.
In any event, under the circumstances, removal of these chips during the club tournament would, in my opinion, constitute a violation of the following provisions of the Code of Ethics, by which we each agree:
1. To support and be governed by the bylaws, rules, policies and regulations of the club, as such rules may be amended from time to time.
2. To conduct myself so as to bring no discredit to the Club or to impair the prestige of the Club or its members.
3. To base all of my dealings on the highest plane of justice, fairness and morality.
4. Neither to buy nor sell any material of which the ownership is questionable.
8. To fulfill all contracts and agreements which I may make, either oral or written ....
PLEASE let's all take these guidelines to heart, at least in this one regard.
----- jim o\-S