The answers you got were accurate. Don't be ashamed at asking basic questions. We all asked basic questions at some point. A couple more points I don't think was covered: You can't make "string bets." String bets are what a lot of us do at home, we start to put in say a "call" and watch the players reaction and if we learn something, we may add chips and for a raise. In Vegas (and other card clubs) you have to put your full bet in at one time. To avoid any problem, just say "raise" and then if you put in too few or two many, the dealer will have you add the necessary sum or give the extras back to you. Also never never never 1) toss your bet into the pot (place it in front of you and let the dealer rake it in; and 2) never never never, when you win a hand, ever ever ever seek to rake the pot in yourself; the dealer does that for you. Remember that on last hand call down, the cards speak for themselves--but they don't speak if you "muck" them--throw them face down into the pile. Turn em up and let the dealer read them. Then in the tournament, after the hawks knock you and this pigeon out, come join me for a whiskey at the nearest bar.
But despite all these "nice" rules, a card room is a fun place to play--tell the dealer you haven't played much in card rooms (that will cause the other players to lean forward and smile) but the dealer will explain the rules.