Great link, Jim. One of the best explanations of how to identify virus hoaxes I have read yet. And some GREAT hoax spoofs. Anyone who didn't click that link that knows diddly about computers and likes a good laugh should go click it NOW! Before I reach out through this email message and adjust the cold setting on your freezer so your ice cream goes soft.
Even though I didn't see the AIDS virus described in your link, NO program can "destroy your memory, sound card and speakers" or "infect your mouse or pointing well as your keyboards." And of course, the idea that "it eats 5MB of hard drive space & will delete all programs" indicates a total lack of conception of the fact that deleting all your programs will FREE UP a tremendous amount of hard disk space.
FWIW, Tom, it is better to err on the side of caution. Not everybody can be a cool computer geek like me <g>! Thanks for the warning.