As you may recall, I was away on a fire call last August and had to miss last year's club show. I was very disappointed and I plan to make up for it this year! So I have dug deep into the safe and will be bringing many chips with me that haven't seen the light of day in years. I have some great old obsoletes from all around Nevada: Vegas, Tahoe, Reno and the small towns. I've posted a scan of some of the ones I will have with me below. Come by and say "hi" at table 54 as there are many names on this BB that I still don't have "faces" for. You'll know me, I always wear my silly Indiana Jones hat to every chip show (it didn't burn up in any forest fire, yet!). Looking forward to seeing everyone, only one week to go! Best from the northwest, Steve Goodrich "Mr Pacific Northwest" #R-0306