Hey Sue,
Just to let you (and others) know, I was able to view a printers preview (I'm not sure if this is what it was really called - yet it sounds close...) copy of James' & Steve's new book at the May Chapter Meeting of the So. Cal. CC>CC - Thanks Barry W. for bringing it!!! - I can't decide if you or James owes me for a new shirt and pants as the cleaners said that can't get all the DROOL out of them...<VGB>.
It has some (six somewhat reduced in size) color pictures of chips on each page, as well as other photos of Casinos, etc. The Book is organized by region, casino name and by issue. The latter might generate some lively conversations... I know it must have been tough to accurately determine which chip was in which issue!
The book is a nice addition to the growing list of price guides, and I think complements TCR. I plan on purchasing both books (TCR and 'The Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide').
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Authors of all Price Guides for all their work to help our hobby grow!!!