The pool is filled, sort of. Here is a list of the potential entries
Bob Ginsburg
Clyde & Toni Bailey running as an entry.
John Zoesch
Bob Gabel
Bob Orme
Mark Lighterman
Travis Lewin (holdover from Preakness & suffering from a URI)
Alan Borenstein
Larry Markman
Neal Silverman
Don Anthony
Ted Brown
Steve Blust
Jim Reilly
Greg Susong
Greg Hale
Mike Ludwig
I have not heard from Jim Episale or Ralph Myers as yet. If the 2 of you read this post, please indicate if you would like to be a carryover participant from the Preakness pool so that I can hold your spot. If I don't hear from you by the Sunday night, your slots will be filled. Two folks sent me private e-mails which is against the rules & calls for immediate sanctions. Please re-read the stated conditions. By my rough count there is one more spot available which would bring the total to 20.