As lucky number 12, I will be watching for that package to get here. I will be out of town, in Vegas from Oct 30th-Nov 6th, but I don't expect it to move that fast! (not that I wouldn't like it to!)
I think someone else mentioned - as people move it alog, post a note on the BBS so that people down on the list can know when it's getting close!
This may be the most popular feature to come out of your board, Greg.
And I may start something similar to a round robin, a "back and forth slinky." The way it works is I take my name and add 19 people in Colorado. I send the first guy 20 chips, he sends me back 20 Colorado chips, I send the next guy 20 midwest chips and the 2nd guy sends me 20 colorado chips... hmmm. This seems too good to be true, there must be a flaw in my plan, but I can't see it from my end. <g><g>