Chip Round #2!
We have had one kind volunteer step forward with an offer to start chip round robin #2. The kind individual is Susie Abercrombie, and the 14 lucky people on this round robin are:
#1 - Douglas McKenzie
#2 - Bob Whiteman
#3 - Norm Botoshe
#4 - Carmelo Schembre
#5 - Bob Mera
#6 - Charles Kaplan
#7 - Jim Reilly
#8 - Marty Kaplan
#9 - Michael Knapp
#10 - S. Abercombie
#11 - Bob Ginsburg
#12 - Gene Bertcher
#13 - Tom Edwards
#14 - John Kallman (hey - why can't I be on more then one since I am the one who came up with this idea?)
#15 - Susie
Thanks for the lending hand Susie!
Awaiting to hear from other volunteers.