Applause!!! Applause!!! for all your hard work and efforts on this auction.
I do not know how you find time to take on such an endeavor.
I am confused by your comments that it is a great success. Almost 70% of the chips still have no bid, if I read your list correctly. This shows the lack of the sellers to believe in the Auction process by putting such high starting minimum bids. In my opinion, placing a minimum bid of $10.00 less than book value is not an auction but an offer to sell.
I have recently started to sell items on Ebay , not many chips, and out of the first 26 items I placed for bid the first month all had bids but one. I started all bids any where from 1.00 to 9.99. I got bids from $2.25 to $71.00. I think that if you let the auction process work you will get a fair price. It may not be what you think it is worth but the market has spoken. Ebay now has 1.1 million people signed up; a fairly large buying population.
Keep up your good work.