I've been talking to the eBay folks about getting a Casino collectibles category to simplify somewhat finding what has been posted. If it happens, it won't be for several months. After much trial and error, here is the search string I use; it typically brings up 500-600 items, about 90% of which are of interest to our hobby:
(vegas or reno or gambling or casino or poker) and not ("cd")
The last term eliminates some of the 'casino software' that usually refers to a compact disk.
This string will get you casino matchbooks, postcards, and other kind of stuff, not just casino chips. If you wanted to specifically include non-gambling items from areas other than Nevada, you could experiment with adding location names, but I've not found a good way to pickup Atlantic City due to the numerous abbreviations.
For the chip purist who doesn't want to see silver premium tokens or silver strikes, you can use:
(vegas or reno or gambling or casino or poker) and not (".999" or strike or "cd")
I suggest not using 'chip' as a selection word at all as I've found 99% of the time one of the other words will be in the title. As John says, chip brings up too much that is related to computer chips, potato chips, etc., and this way, you don't have to worry about singular or plural.
Would like to hear from others who have good search strings for 'our kind of stuff'.