It is against eBay rules to use multiple accounts to provide praise of a seller on the same account (all six if you want, and AOL allows six more, so we're looking at 36 possible here). has in her own seller profile a praise note from herself. It is my opinion that this chip dealer has unintentionally (made a mistake by posting a profile opinion and forgot what ID she was using) shown herself to be unethical (the unintentional part is she didn't think anyone was watching "Some people have too much time on their hands"- a quote from one of the "missing" posts), and also shown her INTENT. ...happens all the time when someone wants to cloak both identity and actions, they forget who they are identifying themselves as, and inadvertently post from a their real ID as opposed to a "pseudo ID".
The ONLY ways that that this person could have mistakenly posted praise to herself would have been to intentionally remove and then retype her own ID into the auction profile section, THEN type her own ID into the correct boxes, or have been posting from what she thought was another ID.
Lessee if this one gets posted and stays.