Good post, Archie.
My opinion:
Reccomend 2,000 be made. Reason: Orleans LE's are exactly the same as rack chips when it comes to colors and inserts. Not all casinos do LE's this way. They mix on the tables and BJ dealers do not have a problem. Limit to 4 or 5. My guess is between 1,500 and 1,700 will go away during convention. The rest will go away slowly. My experiences with LE's tell me this plan will work.
Of course you could always reccomed: 1 per person, take surveilance pictures and post each buyers picture at the cage. A club officer could stand there 24 hours a day and check the pictures. Anyone caught getting a 2nd one would have their entire collection conviscated and sold at auction. Procedes going to needy chippers around the world.
Either reccomendation would work!!!