Hi Sue,
If everyone from one household uses the exact same internet mail address to correspond both via eamil and to post to bulletin boards such as these, there is NO way to tell what family member wrote the note other than if a person tags the note with thier name, and even then it still doesn't clear-up any confusion. I'm responding to a note that maybe you wrote in defense of Jim sent from the same email address as the note from Eddy attacking Travis. ...in other words, if you, Jim and Eddy ALL poat and send email from a singular internet address, expect confusion when one hand doesn't know what the other is shaking.
...I haven't seen an ISP that doesn't allow muliple family accounts with their own ID's available to each family member. Ask Jim to give you and Eddy your own logon identities. It shouldn't cost anything extra, and certainly would clear up any confusion as to who wrote a note.
...hope that helps, Bob