What he is trying to say Mike is that you must have space available on your own web site where you must post the picture. Most internet providers allow you a certain amount of storage space for your web site. So long as you don't exceed this amount they won't charge you extra. I am not an expert at this but first you must get a file copy of your scan - I put mine on a floppy disc to save hard drive space. You then need to load the file to your web site using a FTP program which is available free on the internet. When loading it to the internet you must note the exact web site location of your file(including the file name). This location is even case sensitive so be careful. To get it to appear on the bulletin board simply type the web site location in the box provided for images and hit preview. If the picture does not appear then you made a mistake. I had all sorts of trouble until I figured out that my FTP program automatically capitalized the file name. Good luck.