I would like to set the record straight without causing ill will or starting a battle.
Michael, Alan and/or Ernie, but mainly Alan are notified constantly by Doug Saito, Larry Eastman, Armin, and others almost on a daily basis concerning the chips listed in TCR that are really California.
Sometimes the authors listen - sometimes they do not. Since I am not directly involved with this issue I can only state what I have been told. I had this discussion with Michael on Prodigy a few months ago. At that time there was heated discussion involving the Forty Grand chips among others ie, Meeks Bay
I am not posting this note to generate a defensive wall by the authors. They should know how I feel about TCR from my review which was posted here a while ago.
I merely am posting this note to inform you Travis and others - that what you have suggested has/is already been done; and continues to be done on a regular basis.
Why do you think Larry wrote the book - I believe it was the listing in TCR of the Poker Palace - Elephant bar that pushed him over the edge.<LOL> Best, Jim