This is my last post on this subject. Why don't you send a copy of the chip to T.R.King and find out for yourself where the chip comes from?
If you call Doug, leave a message on his answering machine. Don't just hang up. He is currently writing his Chip Chat magazine and will get back to you.
Since you have decided to "drag" James into this discussion and he knows for sure this is a Nevada chip; please ask him to provide evidence other than:
1) The Chip Rack
2) The Gaming Table
3) The woman you got the chips from
If this hobby can not depend upon information supplied from the manufacture of the chip in question then we can not depend upon ANY documentation.
I am glad James feels this discussion is DUM perhaps he can make it less DUM. I am sure the evidence he will provide will eliminate all questions. After all James and I were involved in the Forty Grand discussion. He was positive of that chip also. TCR authors have since removed it from their book.
Last but not least - Wouldn't be better for dealers like Saito and Eastman to have this chip as Nevada? They then could sell them at $175.00 and up, instead of $50.00 and down. Oh well, what do I know?