The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 01


I had intended to post a scan of a chip I got at the Convention and cannot find notes as to what it might be--not in the books. But we had a huge storm in Onondaga County, N.Y.--devastation--no power at home for maybe up to a week. So no post [I'm at the office where there is power]. But--the purpose of the message. I have not posted to my home page my extra illegals as I treated them as junk chips for a long time. Then in August at the show--the first day I sold more of them then I had at all previous shows. So when I get a chance, I'll list my illegals. In the meantime, if there are any of you out there interested in trading for illegals, drop me a private message and I'll put together my list and send to you.

Please refrain from mentioning Tennessee football in any future messages [also, I do not wish to hear about Michigan football either, for even tho I am a UM grad, I bleed Orange and we go into their lair this week.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg