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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: Wall Street Journal article

Hi Travis; Someone with your name e-mailed to me the contents of the WSJ article that appeared page W14 in todays issue. I figured since it was from "Travis" it would automatically appear on CASINO. The article is rather lengthly and would take up a considerable amount of room on this BB to retype it.... not to mention the time it would take. I would suggest that if anyone is truly interested, to spend the .75 cents and buy a copy. I would be willing to make a photo copy available to anyone interested if they would send me a SASE, but that would cost them .64 cents so they may as well simply purchase the paper if it is available in their local community. Due to the lack of response to Janice's request for comments, I guess not too many readers of this BB read the article. Archie.

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Wall Street Journal article
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Re: Wall Street Journal article

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