This "newby" didn't notice that I was selling the $1/5/25 for $50. I am selling the 5 and 25 are at face when the $1 is bought. I had to buy these as a 1/5/25 set and most collectors will wand the full set. Nobody will buy the $5 OR $25 IF IDO NOT HAVE THE $1. I will sell $1's seperatly and return the $5 and $25 as a courtesy to my customers but my markup is the same for the 1, 1/5 or 1/5/25 set. I know the pricing is a little strange but if you think about it it makes sense. And yes, I have already sold most of my inventory and with one exception, all have bought the complete set.
I have never and never will "rip off" a newby collector. My prices are the best on the net and my customer service is second to none.