I would like to add to Archies comments,
Being a member of this club, This issue hits home, and this is not pointed at anyone directly, but It makes me sick that in a club with 2000+ members, that only a little more than 100 member voted for chip of the Year. I have noninated and voted for chip of the year, since I've joined this club. It took me all of 5 minutes to fill out both ballots.
Now I did not vote for the chip that won, and because as it has been stated in this thread, that most of the chips ended up in the hands of a few dealers, makes me think that the dealers are doing the majority of the voting as well.
I do not have the chip of the year, and will not pay the $50 -$70 that it is going for. That's my choice.
as someone told me , "if you don't vote , you can't complain".
Hopefully more members will vote on this Next year.
Marc Shapiro