I just get so tired of hearing dissatisfaction over rising values of chips. Every time I hear a chipper approach my books on show tables with the remark that I am asking too much for obsolete chips, I realize he or she has not experienced the appreciation of scarce items. And the same person will complain even more at the next show when the same chip may be priced even higher. Often I "X" out the old price and put the new. Most of the time I have not had the time to re-price 12 books of chips and often have prices that have been the same up to 3 years......those disappear first. But, I tried to stay competitive with other dealers and we all have agreed it is impossible to keep up with the market. At any one show there may be 4- 10 different prices on any certain chip and that is to the shoppers advantage. I often tell the customer to look around in case there is a lower price on the show floor when I am down to my last one or two in stock and may be toooo high. Prices are up and wer'e growing.....a good, healthy trend....Mel