Chips must be available at face for this hobby to survive. Dealers must be able to make a profit for this hobby to survive. There are also dealers that have subscriber lists in most states. I do not deal with them, but understand they are cheaper. Just because a dealer advertises a $1 chip at $20, does not mean he is selling many of them.
Chip trading must be alive and well for this hobby to survive. I have trading partners in every state. I am able to get all chips from any area I want at face to face trades. Sometimes I will owe my partner until Nv releases catch up to his or sometimes he will owe me. I have never had a problem with this system. This comes from meeting people and reading the boards.
You must decide what you have to have and what you will pay. There are happy mediums out there. I decided I would not pay over face for current rack chips and LE's. I have stuck to that decission. It took awhile, but I have found ways to get what I want at face. If you have to have it the day after release, you will probably pay over face, unless you find a Colorado trading partner.