I spoke before the Colorado Gaming Commission about us the collectors and our feelings about the pricing of chips at the Lodge. I am now getting some feedback. They don't get it. The ruling body of Colorado did not understand collecting. One person on the board felt that chips should not be allowed to leave the casino. (You want to frisk me!!) After all gaming is serious business. These are not bad people, they don't understand our game.
Colorado Gaming checked with all the other gaming (gambling) angencies and could not find a regulation directly defining the value of a chip. So they went to the U. S. Mint, where you can find any number of items being sold over face value.
Collect chips because you like it, but the rules may change. Tony Cook said we are upset" because he cut into our profit margin". The Lodge Grand Opening chips offer $31 in chips for $100. Sky Ute will offer $31 for $65 on Thursday. And will offer another set next month at the same price.