Exactly.....just what all these BB's are supposed to be for, DISCUSSION!
I really meant what I said in my original post, it would be nice if the Hotels sold these non-denom chips to collectors, after all, with all the LE's being churned out these days they SURE know we're out there!! Price would be a factor for two reasons....first, too expensive and they won't sell and two, if they are too cheap, what would those that BUY roulettes to SELL, NOT TRADE, do as most collectors of these chips would be unwilling to buy them from dealers or collectors at $10-$15 a piece when they could wait till they're obsolete and buy from the casino at $5 or less???? Maybe this is something members on the 'inside' can investigate for us?
* Steve *
P.S. - If you'll be at the chapter meeting in September, I've got another AC varient to show you that maybe you'll want to include in your next update.
Don't forget to bring my Playboy & Taj chips if you'll be there.