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The Chip Board Archive 01

In Response To: NEW CASINO ()

I read with great interest the information on a new casino in SW Florida. That was news to me. The last piece of information that came out on indian casinos was the the Donald of AC fame was trying to convince the state of FL to allow indian casinos for a 45% cut of the take. Chiles the Gov. sat and listened and turned them down. This is accutally what the indians wanted because they can go now to the Dept of Int. and claim the have beed turned down.
We do have an election in Nov. for a new Gov. so as a persional view would not think that anyone would try to start a casino until after the election and until they take office in Jan. Both canidates are opposed to gambling so until they take office and their views change it is as nothing happened.
There have been rumors for the past 2 years that the sight pick out to open this new casino is somewhere in the panhandle on the FL/GA border so that if FL tried to close them down they could move the operations across the border with little efford. Something like they have on the NC/SC border.

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