YES!!!! On the pictures.
Actually when I said I caught it, that was not the exact truth. I hooked it and fought it for over 3 hours. With only 250 yards of line, the boat captain played a major role in the fight, as he had to continually back down on the fish. A marlin can take out a 1,000 feet of line without thinking about it. I got the marlin to the boat 3 times, but would not let the deck hand gaff him. These are beautiful fish and I did not want him on my wall. The last time to the boat, the marlin made a quick final run and the captain was not fast enough with the back down. End of fish. I did get a picture of his head out of water at the boat. I never had any intention of bringing him in the boat. This was in Matzalan Mexico. I drove there so I could take my light tackle. The Mexicans use telephone poles to fish with. They get very upset when you catch and release. I always give them the money they would have gotten for the catch. It is not much. The fish deserve a 2nd chance after such a viliant fight.