Let me get this off my chest, and I will try not post about this subject again.
If you are an occasional BJ player and have fun, this post is not for you. I just can not stand it, when I hear the phrase " I am a winning BJ Player because I can count cards."
Phooey - Card counting is a myth fostered by casinos, so you will learn to count and take your best shot. I have seen several casinos that hired the best counters in the world to teach the general public how to count. This was done right in the casino. Should this ring alarm bells? You decide. I have seen all those computer print outs that says, a player can reduce the house odds to .00000000000000000000000000000000000001 with counting.
No casino in the world will allow a player to make the moves that would allow a player to get to this result. They will politely or in some cases not so politely say. "DEAL AROUND THAT GUY."
If you are betting one unit and you finally get the deck to a high count in your favor, you move out 5 units. Sirens, bells, whistles, and phones go off all over the casino. That bet might ride, but you will never get a 2nd one like it off. Flat betting one unit, is a big waste of time counting. Going up to 2 units will never over come the house hold. What if you get the 5 unit bet off and catch a 17, "The dealer got your 2 paints, DUMMY." How can you overcome that when the next 5 unit bet puts you out the front door.
Team playing! Forget it. I know at least 30 BJ team players. They have made some decent scores, BUT not one of them has a car or house, or in most cases a $10 bill to call their own. You only hear the good from someone who is boosting his own ego.
As I stated I can count BUT the biggest score on BJ I ever made was a $60 buy in, ran to $18,000 at the Horseshoe in 1982. I was parting and probably wouldn’t have known a minus deck from a plus deck.. I must have caught a 100 BJ’s. It happens.
Casinos will not allow a counter to practice his skill, and there is a good chance he would lose, if they did. Holds of 14% to 17% is a very large hill to climb. I probably did not say all I wanted to say, but the point is chip collecting is a lot more fun and less costly than playing BJ for a living. When its over, you will still have your chips.
Do not believe anyone that tells you they make a LIVING at BJ. IT CAN NOT HAPPEN.
That guy that only sets out to win $200 a day, I know HIM, and 500 of his brothers.
Let me make it perfectly clear, I am not anti gambling. I love gambling. It has been good to me as a player and an employee. I just hate to see good people believe what a LIAR has to say.