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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: Value Needed
In Response To: Value Needed ()

Tom: I am surprised you have had no responses to your message. I'm at the office with the '97 Chip Rack at home but my '96 one describes the
0344 ARODIE just as yours is pictured with red inserts and is valued at an "R" rating. The "R" rating carries a $250 to $299 price tag. However, I don't have access to the '97 Chip Rack at the office. You might write or call Terrence
Swearingen, Box 1408 Gardnerville, NV 89410 [702] 782-3550. I think sometime back he had one or more of these for sale. I bought a $1 Town Tavern
chip,for $3.75 a few years ago, passing up the $5 ARODIE at not much
more because who needed two chips from the same casino?

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Value Needed
Re: Value Needed

Copyright 2022 David Spragg