Thank you for representing the collectors at the gaming meeting. We now can
only hope that the comission can pass the appropriate regulation to prevent
this type of price gouging in the future. If not, we must fight on! We must
contact our represenatives and work hard until such a law is put into place!
The gaming commission has done a fabulous job of making Colorado citizens
feel comfortable dealing with casinos of any size. People know that their
chips and tokens can be redeemed for their face value, even for a period
of time after the casino may close. The gaming commission did their part,
most of the casinos have done theirs.
To the Lodge,
What a beautiful casino! Every detail but the soap dispensers in the bathrooms
that don't work and the general manager, Tony Cook were so well thought out.
I have yet to meet Tony and RESPECT that he wanted to make money on the
chips! The casino is in business to make money! I wouldn't expect any less,
but Tony needs to attend a class in public relations. Gaming is a cutomer
focused business. You treat people right! You make them feel good that they visited your "store" whether they win or lose and you expect return business.
I am not an advocate of heavy regulation and extra gaming laws unless they
are necessary to protect the public. NO other casino has forced such an issue!
Not the GILPIN who has THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars of chips in collectors
hands. NO CASINO has done this to Colorado. It is sad that new laws may need
to be introduced and that Tony is pushing away some of the same very active
advocates of gaming that he might like to have in his corner should say a push
be made for raising limited stakes.
Tony your short sighted view on how you decided to handle this will likely
some day haunt you. You laugh at some of your customers, you laugh at the gaming
comission hearing. Grow up! I had great respect for you until I heard how
you handled this situation. $31 worth of profit for a $3 investment that BHWK
made isn't a bad return. I doubt Jacobs or any other major stockholder would
argue about a 10X return on investment! I soon plan to find out why you
won't consider some other solutions that would allow the lodge to win and
the collectors, whether they resale the chips or just want them because they
are neat. I also plan to find out what the board thinks could be done about
Chippers: Thanks again for your NATIONWIDE support! I don't believe it is over
since the LODGE didn't agree to sell the chips at or near face. They didn't return the $69 extra dollars they charged collectors nor can anyone go in and
buy them. Such a shame that the most beautiful casino in the state, ran by Jacobs, one of the most talented CEO's can't make this right.