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The Chip Board Archive 01

In Response To: New Officers ()

The current CC&GTCC officers terms of office (1997-1999) do not expire until our June 1999 convention. Three current club officers have announced that they will not be seeking re-election (President, Secretary, Treasurer). There were a couple of public proclamations during this past convention from individuals who have let it be known they will be actively seeking nomination for various officer seats. There will be a Call For Nominations for ALL club officers published in the upcoming 4th quarter issue (Oct,Nov,Dec) of the club magazine. Gene Trimble has accepted my appointment of Elections Chairman and Gene will receive all nominations forms that will be inserted into the club magazine. Photos and background sketches of candidates who have accepted their nominations will be published in the first quarter magazine issue (Jan,Feb,Mar), along with an election ballot to be returned to Gene. Associate members will receive their ballots via first class mail as they are not eligible to receive the club magazine as associates, but are entitiled to vote. Gene will appoint election committee members to count the ballots in Las Vegas. New club officers will be elected for a two year term (1999-2001) and will be sworn in at our1999 annual public meeting in Las Vegas next year. Hope this prodedural information helps everyone. Archie

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New Officers
Re: New Officers

Copyright 2022 David Spragg