I told myself I wasn't going to get involved, but....
I have no problem with you asking candidates their views. I have no problem with the use of the Bulletin Boards. I encourage their use. The Election is not even an issue now, you didn't post these questions as an open forum on the board you directed them at Janice. She has been in office for awhile, her views are well known. Because you took them public instead of a private email it appears that you were targeting her. I apologize for misunderstanding your intentions. Sometimes spelling, the abuse of grammar, and 10 too many typos can lead to political turmoil. I in the past have suffered from keyboard deficit disorder (KDD). For a fast cure, type slowly, use a spell and grammar check and relax. I find that it is harder to type when the blood pressure is high. Take it from someone who knows how to avoid confrontations and enjoy. We all want the club to grow, we all want to enjoy chipping, we just want to protect ourselves from unsrupulous so called collectors.
So again I'll be the first to say I didn't understand what you were trying to say and do. I encourage you to use electronic boards for confrontation. I made a mistake. I meant to say conversation.