First of the magazine is published by my company that is what i do in real life archie. And me and James Wrote the Article. Thank you for the good feedback from you and sue and I make sure too save you a copy.
Now too JAmes Perlowski Reply????????????????????????????????
I can't believe you just said.
We print 30,000 copies a month and the industry standard is too times it bye 2.5 too get Readership amount. Which would be 75,000 readers. So 40,000 readers is a actually a very low figure. We are at every 7'11 in las vegas, every lucky's , every vons, every Blockbuster video store, all colleges, and over 500 small location. So instead of Whinning and complaining or Judging meaby you can say job well done, or even get an article yourself out there and help too promote this hobby. I'm gettiong so tired of all these people whinning lets do something postive and get 10,000 collectors in this hobby.
With Best Regards
Rene Nezhoda