That is very noble of you! The reason for the posting was the "impression" by the gentleman that is attending his first show that there was a "scheduled" swap session after the Thursday nite Club business meeting. This thing starts at 7:30pm and with all of the political
jockeying that is currently going on and the issues that need to be addressed, I seriously doubt that the meeting will end before 10:30-11:00pm. And I feel that may be on the conservative side. And of course as Chairman, I can not in good faith, schedule a Club sanctioned swap meet during
the hours of the Business meeting! Which do you think would be better attended?<G> Especially if we had it in one of the suites, with the girls in attendance!! Wed nite is big swap nite, Fri is Auction night and Sat we have a room for swapping after the show. I am sure there will be plenty of
"private" swap sessions going during the week. So as you can see, in my position, there is no night free of Club functions where I could "encourage" any of the private swap sessions. Will they happen? Sure they will. May have one in my room Tuesday night after dinner and after I have checked on the
show floor setup. Might just be me, Ann and the Ginsburg wives!!<G> But, there will a message board located near the show registration desk starting Wed.
We will be at the Alligator Bar Monday night when you arrive! Will see you there!
PS Do I need to send the girls to roll you down the airport concourse?