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The Chip Board Archive 01

No Table for James at CC&GTCC Show!

Since several have asked James Where's his Table? I thought I would let you know what's going on. He didn't want a table this year, as he likes to wander around and Deal with everyone. Most of you know you can never catch him at his table!
He will have a room there, as he and his partner will be photographing Chips for their upcoming Chip Guide of Obsolete chips. They will need to see those Better Chips, so if any of you have any to feature, Please contact James.

Even though James won't have a table at the Show, his Dad, Eddy will be there with "Chips" and "Ashtrays". James says he's not hanging around the table, but I don't think he'll stay away! So stop by Table #77 and see what's going on.

Contact James about what chips he needs;

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No Table for James at CC&GTCC Show!
Re: No Table for James at CC&GTCC Show!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg