I guess I forgot to tell you, but I have seen the chip. I even held it in my hand and it is very much a real chip. The person who gave it to Jim said it came from the POKER ROOM! Why they would have a .25 there I don't know, but regardless, the chip is real. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was even slightly worn. It is a yellow, Bud Jones, 8 suite, incused, HSG. He PROMISED to get me a photocopy of it, but would not let me take it to get one myself. I can understand that, it is a one of a kind. He did tell me that he would instruct his significant other to give the chip to me if anything ever happened to him. I feel confident that John Zoesch will find a handfull of them any day. He is a Tunica chip bloodhound. <G>
Greg (in Newark)