Hear, Hear, Mr. Benedict! John B. hit a home run with this last post. As a cataloger myself, I depend on many others to let me know what is "out there". One of the concerns a cataloger has is when his or her publication is finally put to bed (and while there are still chips being discovered or being newly issued) is when the book finally is into distribution and is now circulating among collectors and critics; then and only then do we hear about the chip that is not listed in "so and so's book".. ...... therefore, it must be worth a lot of money. Not necessarily so! It may simply have gotten overlooked (like the Kentucky Derby chip in my latest AC catalog).
Superb job well done on the parts of "Doc" Allan MYERS, Ernie WHEELDEN, Michael KNAPP!!
(Sounds like a Law firm) <vbg> Archie