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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: set of ivories wanted
In Response To: set of ivories wanted ()

There are a number of good ivory poker chip sources, one of whom is John Bendict and you can easily find his e-mail address on this board. I have about 500 but no sets to sell and few traders.

Here are some additional sellers: Most will be at the CC&GTCC SHOW in Vegas, with ivories for sale.

DALE SEYMOUR, 415 334-2800 (11170 Mora Dr., Los Altos, CA 94022

Ken Craig, DMD, 3927-H Waring Rd., Oceanside, CA 920156 [619 945-9722 [no e-mail; his kid won't show him how to go on-line] He's a friend of Steve Bowling and I think they pool their chips.

Steve Passalaqua--I've temporarily lost his address but he's a big buyer and seller of chips; his only flaw is that his oldest son became a lawyer.

Robert Eisenstadt, 718 625-3553 [I'm not sure that is his present e-mail address.

I don't want to slight anyone--there are many others who maybe able to help you including Stan Wilker, Ernie Wheeldon, Gene Gropssblatt and Tom French. But I suspect you'll hear from them.

I'll put your request out on CASINO as we have a number of subscribers with ivory chip interests.

Good luck.

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set of ivories wanted
Re: set of ivories wanted

Copyright 2022 David Spragg