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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention?? CC&R&GTCC.

John, Forget the trading session & attend the roulette seminar in my room! We'll wait until you get there before we spread all over town.
All you thieves, let's meet in my room or Connecticut Bob Ginsburg's suite & make this an exciting event. I'll put up a "rare" Florida piece & give it to the person who can get the most roulettes from each of the casinos in Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, Laughlin, etc. Thr rules are that you MUST get one of each color from each table at every casino you visit.No partial sets & you can't bring anything from your collection. I'll try to convince Archie to be the judge as he will be impartial. If he refuses, then we can ask Jim to stand in on his behalf. I'll spring for the drinks & goodies at the planning & instruction session. Please RSVP by e-mail.

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When is the CC&GTCC Convention??
Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention??
Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention??
Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention?? CC&R&GTCC.
Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention?? CC&R&GTCC.
Re: When is the CC&GTCC Convention??

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