Hi Paul; Thanks for your quick response. My comments were not directed at any one person in particular, but in general response to some of the several comments that followed-up your original post. I've seen similar dealer attitudes in the coin hobby where it became an "us against them" situation. I'm a strong advocate of dealers. As you pointed out, without them there would be no local shows or national conventions or even publications. However, where you and I may disagree, is that proximity has nothing to do with the price of a chip. I may live right next door to a casino or within walking distance..... (or next to a shoe factory if I sold shoes for a living). To a dealer, whether it is chips or shoes, or any other product, it's a commodity. Something to purchase and to resell at a profit. There is no profit for a dealer if he is expected to trade face value for face value, unless he wants to add the chips being offered into his inventory to sell at a profit at a later date or at a later show. What an item cost a dealer has no bearing on what price a dealer charges in a resale transaction. Dealers must continually purchase additional items for their stock to replenish the items that were sold at previous shows. The role of traders in the hobby is healthy as well. It provides a lot of activity at relatively low cost and keeps interest alive in the hobby. The law of supply and demand works pretty well in this marketplace as well as in others. The simple fact that I'm trying to drive home on this BB is that we need each other. Thanks for expressing your point of view. Regards, Archie