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The Chip Board Archive 01

First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!


This is the first LE ever from the Belle of Sioux City in Sioux City Iowa. In fact it is the first new chip ever since the riverboat opened. I am not sure how many are available, but there are only a few scattered in the regular racks at the BJ tables. Cage won't sell them. I can get a few of these, and will sell them for $5 each, payable in five $1 chips from anywhere. First come first serve.

Steve Brock
816 East Milwaukee
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588
(712) 732-4981
CC&GT CC # R3200

Messages In This Thread

First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
In Defense (kind of!)
Re: In Defense (kind of!)
Re: In Defense (kind of!)
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever - III
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg