I was at Hollywood park on Sunday, even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting you, I do remember seeing your wife there. Yes It can be quite intimidating the first few times. I was and sometimes still feel the way you did. a few suggestions;
1. Know what area of chips your looking for, be it Limited editions, Older chips, Atlantic city, whatever. I always bring a "wish list" in case I see something I'm looking for.
2. Chip collectors Love to talk about chips. Just ask . everyone I've dealt with has been extreamly helpful. most collectors and dealers are working towards bringing new people into the hobby.
3. Come to our Local chapter meeting, which I'm sure Estelle Hartman told you was this Tuesday(July 21st), from 7pm-10pm at Hollywood park Casino in the Seabiscut Room. There is a good amount of trading done before & after the meeting.
Hope to see you there
Marc Shapiro